Monday 25 June 2018

June 18: Letter Review, -at word family, P.E. and chocolate pudding

Week 10 - Letter Review, -at word family, P.E. and chocolate pudding
This week we introduced the -at Word Family while reviewing all the letters covered in the past weeks, namely Aa, Cc, Ff, Mm, Pp, Tt.
We did a lot of hand-eye coordination activities, and finally, we made some of the yummiest chocolate pudding yet!!

Let's have a peek at the happenings:
Letter review: roll the dice and check off the corresponding letter

-at word family

Find "at" in as many places as you can

 "hmmmm... I know it's here somewhere..."
 "...still looking..."
"... AHA, I knew I'd find it... and who knew, in my own name too!"
Size - 'big, medium, small', as well as 'same and different'


PMP: Obstacle courses, balance skills, and hand-eye coordination


All about kindness
Let's share with our friends: the task was to ask nicely to see the flower

Natsu helping me do some role play of what to do when a friend is sad
Japanese: 運筆



Show and Tell:
Something starting with the letter Cc

 Natsu's camera

 Kyoka's crayons
... and chicks

Natsumi's candy

Kanato's camera

Kota's cutting his food

Hayuko's cucumber

 Hina's curry

Deniz Burak's candy

Harutake's car

A makeup "My family and I" Show and Tell

Asami's cherries
Library Introduction - We did a quick visit to the library, just to do Show and Tell, and to have a quick look around at what was there.
P.S. I told the learners about the "Book Monster" who sleeps behind the books - he loves children, but he hates noise, so there should be no noise in the library... they didn't make a peep! 😂

Phrase of the week: We use these as a password before entering the class
"He is _______________"
"She is ______________"
Baking Activity:
A well deserved chocolate pudding after having worked together to achieve the first level award in our awards jar!

 Let's write our recipe on the board first
 - 6 tablespoons of cornstarch... 1,2...

- Next up 4 tablespoons of rice flour... 1,2,3...
- Now, 2 cups of sugar... 1...
- Now, 6 tablespoons of cocoa... 1,2...
  - Mix ot all together,
 and mix,
 and mix.
 - Now for the liquid - 2 litres of milk, 1... 

- Mix it all together

-  Time to add the heat and bring it to a boil
 Listening carefully for the bubbles when it starts boiling
- Mix, mix, mix
- The last step, add some chocolate
And finally mix for another 6 minutes - everyone was very excited, so they cheered Ms Michelle on!
Let's see the final product before it goes to the fridge.
 Now for some whipped cream
 And banana's...
 ...that all the learners so proudly cut by themselves.

Teacher's little helper!
Teacher Helpers taking attendance - learners are learning to read, use technology and use graphs/lists

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