Monday 16 October 2017

Blog After Sports day

Halloween ハロウィン

With Sports day done and only three days of school children enjoyed having fun learning about the American Holiday: Halloween. Children loved exploring words commonly found in Halloween like, ghosts, fall ,pumpkins ,trick-or-treat, and costumes through different activities. One of the favorite activities of the children were right the room worksheet or they had to go on a hunt and hunt for the words around the room and write them down on their list. Another game they had with the words was one where they had the words on their back and they had to see who could see each other's words first. Once you saw the other person's word you had to shout what the word was then you'd be the winner.

運動会が無事終わり、先週は3日間しか登園日がなかった為、アメリカの行事《ハロウィン》について楽しく学びました。ハロウィンに関連した、 ghostsおばけ, fall秋 ,pumpkinsかぼちゃ ,trick-or-treatトリックオアトリート, そして costumes仮装等の単語をいくつかの方法で学習し、喜んで参加する子ども達の姿が見られました。その中でも単語ハンティングがお気に入りで、教室を歩き回りながら単語が書かれたカードを見つけ、自分のリストに書き加えていきました。その他には、単語カードを2人の背中に貼って向かい合わせて立ち、先生の合図で先に相手の背中の単語を呼んだほうが勝ちというゲームを行いました。

Water 水
We also furthered our study into water. We took a closer look at rain and different bodies of water through videos and an interactive water center they could play at with friends.This lead to the children to ask many questions about water in the Ocean.
Children were extremely fascinated with the ocean in particular when talking about these bodies of water. Many shared their experiences they have at the ocean with family and friends. They were particularly interested in was how the ocean has salt in the water and therefore people can't drink it, however other animals can live in.


P.E 体育

Due to schedule changes we are no longer having P.E on Wednesday. We are to now have them on Tuesdays. So, form now on children must come to school in their gym clothes on Tuesdays and Fridays. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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First Dress Rehearsal