Monday 30 October 2017

Happy Halloween ハッピーハロウィン

Happy Halloween!
On Friday the children got to dress up for Halloween and wear different costumes. They did many fun activities while wearing them! They got to dance and show them off to other students and classrooms! Their most favorite part was trick or treating though!
With the help of many parents and local families and businesses the children enjoyed getting candy! With guidance and aid they walked the neighborhood and "trick or Treated" at two families home, the fire station, and the local nerusry. At the end of the day they enjoyed passing candy out to one another and finishing the day off with a dance party!   



Nanaketa Park!

On Thursday we had a field trip to Naketa Park! The children enjoyed hunting for acorns and leaves while they learned about fall in the park. The children enjoyed talking about the different color leaves they found and how the acorns came in different sizes. Later on the children enjoyed the playground at the park. 
We ended up taking a pile of leaves and acorn back to school in order to explore them more. Many children painted with the leaves and studied how acorns roll through paint on paper. Others took a closer look at the fall items through mirrors and magnifying glasses. Kota found a bug in one acorn!


Kota found a bug in one acorn!

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First Dress Rehearsal