Tuesday 21 November 2017

Literacy Week!

last week was a very busy week!

The whole week the children explored famous books such as Pete the Cat, the Ginger Bread man, and Going on a Bear Hunt. They got to enter act with teachers from all the classroom and play games, made crafts, and even baked with them!

1週間を通して Pete the Cat, the Ginger Bread man, and Going on a Bear Huntといった、有名な本にふれました。

Gingerbread man play on Monday!

Children were so surprised to see teachers put on a play about the Ginger bread man. With Ms.Yeshiem as the Ginger bread man and Ms. Ebony as the narrator the other teachers took on different roles in the story. Some of the roles include Grandma, a little girl, a fox,Pete the cat, a cowgirl, and even Totoro! The students couldn’t stop laughing!


Book read aloud on Tuesday!

Children traveled to all three classrooms and listen to stories from all of the teachers! Ms.Ebony and Ms. Yeshiem had a great time with them!


Games, crafts, and baking Thursday!

Once agian children traveled from classroom to classroom but not for read alouds! Instead they cut out their own gingerbread man and even got to decorate and eat real gingerbread men! As you can tell from the pictures they tasted wonderful!


Parent’s Day Last Wednesday!

Children enjoyed Parents days! Moms and Dads got the chance to see their child in the classroom environment and how children experience literacy week.


PENGUIN SCHOOL visited on Friday! !

some special friends from another English preschool came and visited our school. Your children had lunch with them and than enjoyed a Pete The cat play preformed by Miss. Brittany!

Show and tell for the following weeks

November 27- December 1: Please bring in an item that begin with the letter Zz
December 4-8: Please Bring in an item that beginwith the letter Oo 
December 11-15:Please Bring in an item that ends with an OT sound
December 18-21: Please bring a Holiday/ winter theme show and tell. Either pictures from last December or toys that children enjoy that are Holiday themed.

12/4-8:       アルファベットOoが付く物
12/11-15:   単語の最後がOTの発音で終わる物(例えばteapot,robot,carrot,dot等)
12/18-21: 冬の季節や冬のお祝いに関する物 。昨年12月の写真や12月のオモチャなど。

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