Monday 11 December 2017

Letter O and The Three Little Pigs! アルファベットOと3匹のこぶた

letter of the WeeK Oo!


On Monday many of the students were excited to see the letter Oo up on our wall. Many explained how they knew the words but the words olives and ostracize was hard for them. We followed this up by tracing our letter Oo papers and playing starfall!

 Our new sight word this week is up and we explored this on Tuesday with our sight word song and reading our letter Oo books.

Art: アート
On Wednesday we made Olaf O crafts! With winter here and snow coming soon we though it very befitting for our students to make these snowmen!

On Thursday we explored the letter Oo sound by comparing it to the letter Zz sound we learned last week. Students had to cut and paste pictures that contained the Z sound and O sound and match them to the correct letter!

 ON Friday we played the back game. Many of our students are getting too good at this game and many ended in a tie!

Inquiry this week:探求
This week we also read the Book of the Three Little pigs! With Building and materials as the main subjects of our inquiry we explored how the pigs in our book build the same structure with different materials. The children enjoyed acting out the story in our kitchen center and building the pigs houses out of different materials!


Whats Happening Next week!
Show and tell; For show and tell we ask children be bring in a item related to snow, winter, or the holidays! There will be No letter of the week next week!

Next 来週は
With next week being the Last week of school things we will be taking things easy.
On Thursday we ask for parents to have their children bring in a large tote bag for their children stuff. With Two weeks of no school we will be sending the earthquake hoods, extra clothes, and hats home to be washed for the new year. We also plan to have a fun winter party on Thursday! Where children will be eating popcorn, playing holiday bingo, and watching a movie! 

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