Wednesday 17 January 2018

Stories and Winter Vacation!

Winter Vacation 冬休み

 After a long two weeks of vacation students learned how to tell and share their experiences in english

Intro: After Miss. Brittany modeled how to share information about their vacation in English children began to think about how to share their thoughts with others in the class. After listening to Miss. Brittany Explain her experience in America for winter vacation many were quick to Share.

Read: With the use of sight words and new words they started exploring how to write their experiences by looking at the question “Where did you go for winter Vacation?” And different ways to answer =, for example “I traveled” “I met family” or “I had a party”

Art: There are different ways to communicate our experiences and this day we explored how we can do so through art.  Students drew their experiences and learned more about how to stop and think about what they wanted to draw before they drew it.
Students greatly enjoyed using this new found way of sharing information in their show and tells.アート:情報の伝達に用いられるものとして様々な表現方法があげられますが、この日はアートという表現方法を使いました。子供たちは自分の経験を描く前に、まず考え、それから描くという順序を学びました。それをショー&テルにも活用することができました。

International Baccurate: How we express ourselves

This week we were introduced to our new Inquiry topic: How we express ourselves. This topic will eventually lead to our story that will be part of our play that will be preformed in February.
ON Monday students will be introduced to the subject. We will start our Inquiry by asking what makes a story  in the morning and how stories can be told through different media in the afternoon.

Story elements: We  focued on the Story elements: Characters, plot, setting. We did this by reading different stories in class. We will build off of these stories by exploring different forms of medium. For example, on Wednesday we  took a look at the three little pigs and take apart the story elements. Than we  explored how the story can be shared through Books, videos, and plays. We thAN repeat this with GoldieLocks and The three bears. and than a new story that they may not know. Breaking down this new story will serve as an assessment for this week.

Students also reflected on how stories can be found in their favorite books, TV shows, and movies. After a in-depth talk about how stories can be found in different mediums students began to display an intrest in how ther favorite TV shows had chracters, setting, and plot. This resulted in us creating a display that shows your child’s favorite story! It is now displayed on our door and I hope you get to see it!

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