Thursday 18 January 2018

Letter Q and Our classroom Play!

                                     Inquiry  探究
This week we talked about our play that is coming up. As stated in an email given to you earlier this week, the play has been moved to March 2nd.
 We have decided in a room that we are  going to preform two stories, Little Red Riding head and the Three Little Pigs. Due to our classroom size and incoming children   this year we have decided to put two stories together so everyone can have a role. I have a list of roles for the children in this blog. I want you to keep in mind that we had to assign roles to 24 students and they had to be picked. I listen to all your child's wants and what role they wanted and talk to them in detail about the role. Please keep this in mind when you see your child's role. 

The play will be  the Three Little Pigs with a  Red Riding Hood twist. The story will consist of the three little pigs going out in the world and building houses for themselves. When suddenly a mysterious little red riding hood comes knocking on their door for help because a wolf is after her. The pigs help little red riding hood and soon become friends with her. As the wolf blows down the houses of the pigs they move from Strawhouse to stick house to Brickhouse. Once they are safe in the Brick house  The hunter from little red riding hood saves them. At the end of the story they all become friends. The script will be available in next week's blog. 

Straw pigわらの家のこぶた- Monato 
Stick Pig木の家のこぶた-Koo
Brick Pigレンガの家のこぶた- Shiho
Momma Pigお母さんぶた-Karen

Daddy Pigお父さんぶた-Tomoki
Big Bad Wolf Brotherおおかみ兄弟-Yuito
Big Bad wolf Brotherおおかみ兄弟-Yusuke 

Straw Farmerわらを売る人-Yusei
Stick Farmer木を売る人-Kota
Brick Farmerレンガを売る人-Yuto
Wind 1風1-Yuho
Wind 2風2-Yui
Wind 3風3-Mayuko
Narrator ナレーター
        •Yang Hua
Little red riding hood赤ずきん-Maria
Grandmotherおばあさん- Ms. Brittany
Hunters猟師-Keisuke and Rikuto and Ayato 
                                                                         Letter Q
A lot of fun exploring the Q this week. They got to make a paper quilt with their friends. They got to take a closer look at quail eggs. They looked at American quarters that missed Britney got from America. They also talked about queens in England and in Disney. 

P.E Change 体育の変更
Miss. Brittany will be taking over P.E from now on. With this news kids played team building games in the play room this week. We play red light green light and duck, duck, goose.
今週から体育の授業はブリタニー先生が行うことになりました。今週は、チーム力を高めるため、”red light green light”(『だるまさんがころんだ』と同じルールです)や”duck, duck, goose”(『ハンカチ落とし』のようなゲームです)を行いました。

New friends 新しいお友達
With this new year we alo introduced two new children into our classroom. We now have 24 students. We welcome Aoi, from France, and Sora, from South Korea. For next week we would love for these two girls to bring show and tell on Fridays! WE welcome them with open arms!

Next week

Next week we are doing the letter J. We are hoping on Friday children can wear their pajamas for school because J is for jammies. They will also be test tasting juices please let us know if your child can't have any types of fruits or vegetables . This also means please bring in a showing tell that begins with the letter J. 
来週はアルファベットのJを学びます。金曜日は、 jammies(パジャマのこと)のjということで、パジャマで1日過ごしたいと思います。また、juices(ジュース)の試飲を行いたいと思いますので、果物や野菜の果汁でアレルギーなどあるお子様は事前にお知らせください。ショー&テルはJの付く物をお持ち下さい。

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