Friday 26 May 2017

Blog 5

Blog 5
Letter of the week Cc  今週のアルファベット Cc
Children especially enjoyed our letter grab ball this week! With out knowing what they were grabbing out of the mysterious bag students pulled out a Cat, Cupcake, scissors for Cutting, Car, and ect. Callie helped the children learn more about Cc and other words that began with Cc.

子ども達は、Cのつく単語のくじ引きをとても楽しんでおこないました!何をひくかドキドキしながら、バックに手を入れて、出てきたのはCat, Cupcake, scissors for Cutting, CarなどのCがつくものが書かれたボールでした。猫のCallieはCの付く単語の学習のお手伝いをしてくれました。

Image result for callie cat

Children also enjoyed painting with Cars and learning that "Cc is for Cars"! While getting messy with paint they extremely enjoyed tracing the Cs with their Cars! They had so much fun!

子ども達は、"Cc is for Cars"に因んで車でペイントを行いました。至る所に絵の具を飛び散らせながら、アルファベットのCを絵の具の付いた車でなぞり、それは楽しそうに何度も何度も車を往復させながらペイントを行っていました。何度も何度も・・・紙に穴があいた子もいました(笑)

Show and tell
Students have  really taken a shine to the five question words “who What When Where and Why”. After a week of  guidance and note cards and  from the teachers students soon began leading show and tell all on their own. For next week we would like for your child to bring in a item that began with the letter A.


Friends and Emotions 友達と感情
As we continued our theme of friends we revisited the concept of emotions and how to express our emotions in English. This will help students help explain how they feel about friends and their actions in English. It will also help greatly for students to reflect on how others might feel due to different actions.


In this song we acted out different emotions and

Strawberry picking いちご狩り
The children had a blast picking strawberries this Thursday! Not even rain could bring them down! Sadly the rain did stop us from having our park trip… However, we all had a wonderful lunch with Preschool3 and Kindergarten in the playroom! A special thank you to all the parents who can and helped us take care of the children.


Next week 来週は

New Classmates 
New friends will be staring near the start of June. Three boys, Twins from aboard and a Japanese boy from Germany, will become new members of our classroom community. Your children met them early last week on Tuesday and Wednesday during their visit to our classroom. More information will be given out once they start school.


Show and tell theme
Please bring in items that star with the letter A

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