Monday 5 June 2017

Blog 6

New Friends  新しいお友達
This week we welcomed three new children into our classroom. Two boys who are twins, Ayato and Yuito, and one boy from Germany, Shion. The students in the classroom welcomed them with open arms. With them joining the classroom we will be mostly reviewing school rules and our language subjects next week. It will your children to reflect on what they have been learning for the new children to catch up.

今週、クラスに新しいお友達が3人加わりました! 男の子2人は双子でアヤト君とユイト君、そしてもう1人はドイツからのお友達でシオン君です。新しいお友達を大歓迎したクラスのお友達でした。クラスでは、新しいお友達が学校に早く馴染んでもらえるよう、クラスのルールや今までの学習内容を復習したました。この復習は、自分たちが今まで行ってきた内容を振り返る良い機会となりました。

Aa アルファベットのA
This week we learned about the letter a. The key “Aa” words we focused on this week were Apple, alligator, alphabet, and Apron. We also focused on the sound a mates with the help of songs. The two songs the children really enjoyed were pineapple pen and the alligator song. And as every week, each child got their own letter a book and we focused also on the site word "at". At the end of the week children happily painted freely with apples.

今週はアルファベットAの学習をしました。Aの付く単語として、 Apple, alligator, alphabet, and Apronの勉強をしました。それに関連した歌もうたいました。その中でも、パイナップルペンとワニのうたが特に気に入ったようです。アルファベットの本も使用し、サイトワードatの勉強もしました。週の終わりには、リンゴを使ってのペイントを楽しみました。
Image result for alligator song dr jean

Show and Tell ショー&テル

Showing tell went wonderful with the children special items. We had children bringing toys airplanes, stuffed alligators, and even had a child dress up as Alice!


For next week have children bring in an item that began with one of the letters we have been learning about. This item could began with A,T,P,M,F,C. 

Inquiry  テーマ学習
As the children build their vocabulary and are able talk more about their feelings and friends they stated clearly about their idea of friendship this week. Many children shares their thoughts and stated that being friends meant doing things together. In order to reflect on this thought of being together as friends we created a friend art piece. Each child painted themselves and then later on connecting themselves together with other friends’ painted version of themselves. This created a human circle of friendship we were all together.


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