Tuesday 13 June 2017

Blog 7

We are sorry that this blog was posted late. Due to Parent's day and Open House things go very busy here in our classroom.

Language 言語

Due to having three new children in our classroom last week we mostly focus on revisiting our letters of the week and their sounds. We did this through letter songs and coloring worksheets that the children all enjoyed.  we did a letter review through a fun game and really got to see all the sounds our friends have learned. They had so much fun!


Bugs! 虫!

Children are also having fun learning about our bugs in our backyard. During recess time we noticed that many of the children enjoyed catching books and looking at them. Therefore this week we talked a lot about bugs and even showed kids how to catch bugs safely using special tools. Children used our sandbox to catch fake bugs with the tools and soon next week will be catching bugs on the playground with them. They're ready for summer and our playground is filled with more and more bugs!

Friends 友達

          This week in our inquiry lessons with friendship we talked a lot about how friends have a choice of being helpful or hurtful. How our healthful choices can make our friends happy and feel safe and how are hurtful choices can make others feel sad or angry. We use feeling words and helpful and hurtful words to help each other resolve conflicts with friends and help themselves in other's shoes.

                 For children to understand this concept they had to think about their own actions when they are with friends. Together we read the book the lion and the mouse to help children understand this concept. In the story there is a lion and a mouse. The mouse wakes up the lion and the lion has a choice to be helpful or hurtful towards the mouse. The lion chooses to be helpful and let the mouse go in return the mouse is helpful when the lion gets stuck in a trap. After the mouse helps the lion free they become friends.
                              After reading the book the students and I talked a lot about how we are like the lion. We have a choice to be helpful or hurtful depending on the choice effects are friends for example the mouse. The children positively reacted to this concept of inquiry and have used it themselves to solve their own social situations with friends. I want to share this information with you because you can also use this at home with them. For example if your child is fighting with a sibling or poking a friend you can stop and ask him/her if they are being helpful or hurtful. If they cannot answer ask about the other person's feelings do they look sad or they look happy. If the other child is sad that means that his/her action is hurtful. Once your child has determined that their actions are hurtful you can ask them how can we be helpful. Being helpful means saying I'm sorry and making the friend happy again. I hope this helps at home!

子ども達がこの概念を理解するためには、自分たちの行動を振り返って考える必要があります。理解を深めるため、The Lion and the Mouse(ライオンとネズミ)という本を読みました。この本には、一頭のライオンとねずみが登場します。ねずみはライオンを起こすのですが、ここでライオンにはネズミを傷つけるかそうでないか、二つの選択肢が存在します。ここでとった後者の選択が、後に罠にかかってしまったライオンをネズミが助けるという結果につながります。そして2匹は友達になるのです。
本を読んだ後、子供たちと「ライオンさんはhelpfulな選択ができて素敵だったね」と話しました。私たちにはいつも2つの選択肢があり、どちらを選ぶかによってどう友情に影響するのか、ライオンとねずみの話から学びました。こどもたちはこの学習テーマをプラスに理解し、日常の友達との関係においてもうまく利用しています。このHurtfulとhelpfulをつかった話を、ぜひおうちでも活用して下さい。例えば、兄弟げんかや友達とけんかをはじめてしまった時に、「今のはhurtful?それともhelpful?」ときいてあげてください。もしそれで答えられないときは、「相手の子は悲しそう?それとも嬉しそう?」ときいてあげてください。悲しそうと答えたならば、それは〇〇ちゃん・くんがhurtfulだったということです。その時は、ではhelpfulになるにはどうすればいいか尋ねます。きちんと謝って、お友達を嬉しい気持ちにさせることがhelpfulです。 学校でのステップを、ご自宅でも活用していただければと思います。

Stranger Danger


We also had a drill in case their was an unsafe person near our school. After pretending that a stranger was in school and hid we talked about strangers in our playroom, Speakers talked to us about what we should do if a strange person every approached us.


Happy Birthday Yuka and Maria

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