Tuesday 20 June 2017

Blog 8

Hello and Good-byes

This week we welcome back  Kesuike. he made a full recovery and is doing well.  The whole class was happy to have him back in our community. He is very active with others and it’s like he never left. However, We also had to say goodbye to Shion who went back to Germany. We all said our good-byes and created a paper heart with all our hand prints and a giant photo of us for him to take home. There is also a possibility we might see him next year.


Parent's day 授業参観
We had a very busy week indeed as most of you know. last Tuesday was parents day and many of you got to see firsthand what your children do on a daily basis. I hope you all enjoyed it and complete the survey.


Language 言語

This week we can to also continued our review into site words. On parents day you saw one of the many worksheets we used to review it. We also played games centering around site words such as splat on Friday. We are working very hard in our classroom to read these words so that they will be ready to read in Kindergarten.


Bugs 虫
We also can expand our investigation into bugs through math. With the help of the teacher many of the children did bug addition. Next week works for more bug themed math activities such as voting for our favor to classifying bugs and sorting them into groups. We will also be moving our bug hunting center from the sensory table to the play ground! Children will be now hunting live bugs on the playground. We will keep you updated as the children progress.


Other fun things that happen this week!

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