Friday 12 May 2017

Preschool4: Blog 3 ブログ3

Week 4 of school!


Take a peek at our week!


Letter P アルファベットのP

Children this week explored the letter P. They created Ps and talked about the sound that the letter makes. Don't forget to have your children read their letter Pp book to you. They worked very hard on reading it and learning the word "the"!
We also introduced the sight words. Sight words are words in the English language that commonly appear in a sentence. For example the word "the" appears quite often in sentences. If a child learns to recognize "the" on-sight then they can use more energy to focus on words they don't know by sounding them out. This results in better reading and in quicker time!

子ども達はアルファベットPの学習をしました。様々なPを作り、Pの発音も学びました。今週も本を持ち帰りましたので、お子様に読んでもらうのをお忘れなく!教室ではこの本を皆で何度も読み、本に出てくる"The"の勉強もしました。このtheはSight Words(サイトワード)の一つで、"sight words"とは、英語の文章でよく目にする、目にしただけで理解できなくてはならない重要単語です。例えば、"the"という言葉は文中よく目にします。子供がもし"the"を視覚的に認識できるようになれば、"the"を捉えることで知らない単語にも注目を置き、意味を考えながら、より速く、スムーズに読んでいくことが可能になります。

Showing tell

The first week of show and tell went wonderful well as children learn how to ask questions in English. We will continue to work on the skill of asking questions and how to answer them. This week we focused on question words such as who, where, when, what, why. Some other questions the children generated were “do you sleep with at night?” and “how high does it jump?”.


All the children had huge smiles on their face as they shared their special items and many children stared in aw!

Image result for pattern fishPattern パターン

We also had fun enjoying learning and reviewing how to do patterns. After listening to the book the Pattern Fish and exploring patterns through games we examined how to complete patterns! Many children are already well on their way to create patterns and naming them! Ask your child about the pattern bracelet that they made this Friday! We will continue our exploration in to patterns and how they can be found all around us!

復習も兼ねて、パターンの作り方も楽しく学びました。"Pattern Fish"という絵本を読んだ後、パターンを完成させていくゲームをしました。多くの子ども達はすでに自分たちでパターンを作り、そのパターンに名前(例えば、赤青赤青をABAB等)をつけることができます。パターンを使ってブレスレット作りも行ったので、お子様に聞いてみてくださいね。引き続きパターンの勉強をすると共に、身の回りにどんなパターンが存在するのか、子ども達と一緒に見ていきたいと思います。

Camera カメラ

Children also loved exploring how to use the classroom camera. They learn how to take pictures of other people and projects they have worked on. It allows them to explore a different medium and learn the responsibility of handling something gently.


Here are some of the pictures they took!

Next week 来週は

Next week we will be exploring the letter M and what words beginning with that sound.
For show and tell we would like your children to bring in an item that is related to friend ship. This item or toy could be something they like to play with a friend or got from a friend or even something to renumber a friend. Pictures are also welcomed.

show and tellでは「友達」に関する物を持たせて頂きたいと思います。友達に関係する物でしたらなんでも大丈夫です。例えば友達と一緒に遊びたいもの、友達にもらった物、見ると友達を思い出す物・・・写真でもいいですね。

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