Tuesday 4 July 2017

Blog 10

Language 言語
This week we also explored the letter D. We did this through play and writing in reading our letter D books. We then discovered our new site word my.
As we study D the two favored the words of our classroom was dinosaur and doctors. Children enjoyed looking at the books about dinosaurs and dreaming about what would happen if they lived in our world today. Then children also enjoy pretending to be doctors in our kitchen center. With toy doctor tools they took their classmates temperature and even gave the teachers health checks. They also enjoy digging out dinosaurs in our Dino dig sensory bench that also had some hidden letters in there to.

子ども達は恐竜の本を読みながら、今の世界に本当に恐竜がいたらどうなるんだろう・・・と想像を膨らませ、楽しんでいました。また、コーナー遊びでは「お医者さんごっこ」が流行りました。お医者さんになりきって、  お友達の熱を計ったり教師の健康チェックまで行っていましたよ。さらに、砂に隠れた恐竜やアルファベットを 掘り起こすコーナーも楽しんでいました。

Here is their favorite dinosaur song!
Image result for dinosaur stomp koo koo

share and tell 発表の時間

Many of the children also enjoyed our nature themed show and tell. The students listened intensely as their classmates brought in items like acorns and leaves and sticks. One student even brought in a bug! Oh my goodness they had so much fun.
For the last week of showing tell please have your children bring in an item that has to do with their summer vacation from last year or what they're gonna be doing this year!


Friendship 友情
This week we also focus on our friendship inquiry it will be our almost last week of it. We talked a lot at this week about what makes a good friend and even created a list of it. The children are each ask what makes a good friend and they all gave different things that makes a good friend. Some said that good friends share other said good friends are kind and of course good friends are helpful. And all the children were right because good friends are many different things. Once all the children said were made a good friend we made a list and sing our song reviewed it what makes a good friend. At the end of the week we all made a promise to be good friends. We did this by taking her hands dipping them in pate and putting them on a piece of paper this piece of paper was our promise. This paper now hangs proudly in the classroom Treemont and friends that are classmates need to be treated nicely and that we need to be a good friend.


Image result for what makes a good friend
Image result for friends song walrus


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