Friday 8 September 2017

Term 2 Week 1!   2学期1週目

Welcome back to Preschool4! WE are so happy to have everyone back for a full week of Class! This week we reviewed classroom rules but also are trying new things. One of these new things are Binders!



This week children will be bringing home binders/folders! Girls have red binders and boys have blue binder. They contain all the paper work we did this week. On Monday please send binder back to school with your child. The binder should be empty. The papers inside are for you to take out and keep.

Inside the binders is also our letter Bb Books!

Please read letter books with your child! We talked as a class how Mommies and Daddies will be so happy to hear their children read to them. Make sure to give them a big kiss as well when they are done reading to you!


Letter of the week Bb


-This Letter of the week is Bb and we explored the letter through our letter Bb books, activities, and songs.
We mostly focus on answering the questions “What letter is it?”  “ What sound does it make?”

We read our letter Bb books with the new   Sight word “can”

We created colorful balloons for the letter Bb

We build the sentence “I can see the bears”
“I can see the bears”という文章を切り貼りしました。

We also did our Bb show and Tell!

Big Small 大小
In Math I introduced the topic Big, medium, and small. I did this by reading the story Goldilocks and the three bears. As I read I pointed out the sizes of the three bears and how their beds, chairs, and porridge match their sizes.

-Sorting items of different sizes サイズ別にわけてみよう!

Sports day 運動会
With sports day on the way we began our games and dance practices this week.
Warm up song 準備運動のうた

-Dance song ダンス
Our song is "I like to move it" But the official dance  we will be preforming at Sports Day will be similar to this video . We will be dancing to this video but the dance moves will be simplified. The children have just been introduced to the video.

私たちのクラスでは "I like to move it"という曲で踊ることにしたのですが、本番では動画と全く同じものではなく、動きをもう少しシンプルにするなど、少しアレンジを加えたものになります。子ども達は、まだ練習を始めたばかりです。

-Big ball roll 大玉転がし

Next week will be wet! 次週の活動では濡れます!

Next week we will be playing with water center and water base activites. Please don’t be surprised if your child comes home in their back up clothes on and their school clothes in a bag. 


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First Dress Rehearsal