Sunday 17 September 2017

Week 3 of term 2

Sports Teams!
Our room is getting ready for our BIG Sports day! Next week we will be exploring so many games and dances. Here is the team list for our class. If your child has an older or younger sibling in our school please check to see if they are on the same team. If they are not please email us and we will fix right away.

私たちのクラスでは、運動会の準備を進めています。来週はさらに競技や踊りの練習に 力を入れていきたいと思います。下の表が私たちのクラスのチーム分けとなります。

Park Field Trip!

We had a blast at the park Last Thursday! The children had a fun filled day of riding buses, sliding down hills, and rolling on slides! They had a lovely picnic and many of them fell asleep on the bus on the way home. They had worn themselves out. I hope you enjoy the pictures and a special thank you to the parents who helped out on our field trip!  


Share and tell
Just a reminder that show and tell this week is canceled due to it only being a four day week. We are also very busy with sports day plans. Sorry for the inconvenience.



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First Dress Rehearsal